Cooking Uses
They are frequently employed as a garnish and find their way into different spice blends, sauces, and condiments. Red chilli powder is not only renowned for its fiery taste but also its numerous health benefits
Medicinal Uses
Red chilli may be beneficial for many ailments such as stiff joints, bronchitis, headache and cough. A human study by (Snider M. et al. 1992) observed that patients who took nasal spray made from red chilli capsaicin alleviated problems such as sneezing, congestion and rhinitis (stuffy nose).
Health Benefits
• Stone ground Lal Mirch Kutti: It refers to a type of chili powder made from grinding dried red chili peppers using traditional stone grinding methods. It also offers several potential health benefits:
• Rich in Capsaicin: Capsaicin is the compound responsible for the heat in chili peppers. It has been studied for its potential health benefits, including pain relief, improved metabolism, and reduced appetite.
Safety for Stone Ground Lal Mirch Kutti
Quality of ingredients ensure that the red chilies used in making the powder are clean and free from any contaminants or molds.
Precautions for stone ground lal mirch kutti
Use gloves while handling red chili powder can cause irritation and burning sensations, especially if you have sensitive skin or accidentally touch your eyes after handling it. Wearing gloves can protect your skin Avoid inhaling when you’re using or handling Lal Mirch Kutti, be cautious not to inhale it directly, as it can irritate your respiratory system.
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